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                Reignwood Pine Valley,Beijing

                Reignwood Pine Valley,Beijing

                Reignwood Ecology Park is located in Changping District, Beijing, at the foot of Yanshan Mountain and near the Badaling Great Wall. It was listed by the United Nations as a model for global ecological construction, environmentally friendly society building and urban ecological transformation. It was awarded by the Ministry of Land and Resources-China Real Estate Summit the title of “Sand Control Star”. In 2019, it won the "Green Development Award" of the 14th People's Corporate Social Responsibility Award directed by the People's Daily and hosted by the People.com. It integrates health industries such as leisure and sports, hotel and catering, health management, high-tech agriculture, and has become a unique tourist destination connecting the North Beijing Great Wall and Zhangjiakou.

                Reignwood Pine Valley,Beijing
                Reignwood Pine Valley,Beijing