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                Mount Tai Students Fund

                On December 30, 2019, Chairman Yan Bin was invited to take on the role of the Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong and Shandong CPPCC Friendship Association. At the inauguration ceremony, Chairman Yan, along with the Honorary Chairman of Shandong Overseas Friendship Association and Chairman of Hong Kong Peixin Holdings Co., Ltd. Yang Shihang, member of the CPPCC national committee of Shandong Province, deputy president of the Hong Kong “Belt and Road” General Chamber of Commerce and chairman of Yingfu Group, Zhao Qing, chairman of Medige Group, Liu Dong, and member of the CPPCC national committee and chairman of Global Stone, launched the Mount Tai Students Fund to reward those college students from Shandong Province pursuing their study in Hong Kong or Hong Kong students pursuing their study in mainland China.