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                Brief Introduction to Reignwood Group

                In 1984, Mr. Yanbin, a renowned leader of overseas Chinese and patriotic industrialist founded Reignwood Group in Thailand. In the wave of reform and opening up, with the concept of green and healthy development, it has rapidly grown into an international and diversified multinational company, forming an industrial structure represented by red, green, blue and gold, namely, fast-moving consumer goods, green health industry, strategic investment industry, financial leasing, etc. Success & Beyond. Reignwood Group has always been working hard to create a better life for Chinese people with world-class standards, closely following the theme of high-quality development, and deeply integrating into the dual circulation new development pattern.

                Success & Beyond . Reignwood Group is the trailblazer and founder of functional beverages in China. Its five healthy drinks are hotly sold around the world. After nearly 30 years of intensive cultivation, the company has established a nationwide sales network, covering over 4 million sale points.

                Green ecology leads to healthy life. Reignwood Group is a practitioner of environmental protection and restoration and a driver of ecological progress. It has created a modern service industry cluster featuring special fashion sports, wellness and health care, landmark hotels, culture and tourism, youth sports and education integration development, health management, etc. It facilitates an idyllic Chinese lifestyle between the green mountains and clear water.

                We should remain true to our original aspiration. Under the historical mission of the new era, Reignwood Group, while focusing on fast moving consuming goods and culture industry, is proactively expand its business in countries along the Belt and Road. It has made great efforts in investing new strategic and growth industries and is contributing to green economy development in areas of general aviation, resources and energies, environment treatment and improvement, etc.

                Over the years, Reignwood Group has reached a total output value of over 300 billion yuan, facilitated millions of jobs and paid a total tax of nearly 40 billion yuan to the country, making continuous contributions in public good and charity areas such as promoting effective connection between rural revitalization and targeted poverty alleviation, fighting and preventing the epidemic, earthquake and disaster relief, environmental protection and green development, international cultural exchanges, youth education and training, heritage protection, etc.