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                Reignwood Holds July 1st Cultural Exchange Events


                Today is the 102nd birthday of the Party, and Reignwood people?are also celebrating this special day in their own way. In recent days, Reignwood?Culture Foundation has presented themed events, including Reignwood?Health International Cultural Forum,?signing ceremony?with?Jiangnan University?for supporting basic research, and July 1st?public good exhibitions to?celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the Party.

                Reignwood Health International Forum was held by Reignwood Culture Foundation on 1st July in Wuxi. The forum gathered authoritative experts and scholars from China, Thailand and Israel?for discussion of global health?and offering advice and suggestions on health issues.

                During the forum, Ms. Shen Zhu, advisor to Reignwood?Group shared the behind-the-scenes efforts made by the foundation in the area of public health.?In the future, the Foundation will continue to be a pioneer and practitioner in the "Healthy China 2030" strategy, continuously strengthening international health exchanges and cooperation?while centering on?people. The foundation will continue to contribute to the sustainable development of the global health sector and promote its high-quality development.

                During that day, Reignwood Culture?Foundation also signed a memorandum of cooperation with School of Food Science and?Technology and School of Design?of Jiangnan University. Both parties will focus on deep cooperation in the fields of basic research in food science, cultural and creative products?design and application, technology transfer, talent?training?and student employment, etc.

                As a pioneer and founder of the functional beverage industry in China, Reignwood Group has been committed to real industrial development for many years. Represented by the Chinese Red Bull beverage, its series of products have maintained a leading position in the industry in terms of market, brand and management innovation. Regarding this cooperation, Lu Zhan, Secretary-General of Reignwood Culture Foundation pointed that, "In the new era, the foundation will fulfill a new cultural mission under the cooperation with the two schools and adhere to the path of independent cultivation of basic research talents."

                Horse Culture 1st July Special Exhibition was also launched by Reignwood Culture Foundation with famous artist Mr. Song Lianmin, which attracted many viewers during the day.